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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Somebody asked for longhorns?


  1. This was one of the guests at the birthday party for my 2-year-old grand nephew . . . the herd did not come back into viewing range until almost dark, so had to use the flash . . . did not like most of the photos . . . this one is called something like Twisted Lady (don't remember for sure) . . .

  2. Love it, love it, love it! Boy, those are massive horns on that critter! I'm in awe. I've never seen a longhorn up close and personal, and very few in photos. Great photo!

  3. This one was just for you, Jasia! . . . this little lady was not the most impressive-looking, but she wound up being the most photogenic . . . this herd belongs to the birthday boy's grandparents, so these longhorns are family . . .
