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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Morning Glory Seed Pod


  1. OK . . . I confess . . . I cropped . . . I do not yet have a macro lens . . . and the closest shot was still not close enough . . . so I cropped . . .

  2. Regardless, I enlarged it and it was as sharp and clear as a tack. Very nice.

  3. Crop or no's crystal clear and very sharp...great photo Vickie.

    My camera has a Macro setting but I am still learning how to use the different settings. I am sure it's an auto Macro setting and won't compare to the Macro lens you will have on your Canon.

  4. That picture is actually creepy looking . . . sort of an alien / demonic-looking goat head . . . I see eyes, ears, horns, and something alive emerging from the open mouth!

  5. My Canon has a close-up mode . . . for macro, it says a separate lens is required . . . will have to research that . . . those lenses can get expensive!

  6. Ok, I was going to say a goat but I did not want to offend Jake and Mandy..........

  7. Wow Vickie and Pam...this does look like an alien goat (no offense to non-alien goats)! Creepy is a very good description!
