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Thursday, January 13, 2011



  1. This is a section of a framed piece of some of my bricolage that sits propped above my desk . . . the sunbonnet is a pinwheel for storing straight pins . . . all of the tatting was done by me except for the pink and green piece, which is a vintage piece . . .

  2. Beautiful work - is this similar to a crazy quilt?

  3. Hi Terri . . . this is just a small section from a display I put together for a tatting demonstration I was doing back in the 1980s . . . the part that looks sorta like a crazy quilt is a piece of patchwork I put together using iron-on fusible webbing . . . and then I added the various crazy-quilt-type embroidery stitches . . . I use the term bricolage for these collages because they incorporate such a hodge-podge of different materials and techniques . . . and because I think bricolage / bricoleur are just such awesome-sounding words / terms . . .

  4. Regarding the actual photo above . . . I'm still using the new Canon on full automatic . . . for this photo I had to get the instruction book out to figure out how to turn off the automatic flash . . . several indoor shots I tried are definitely going to require the use of the tripod . . . and while I was reading, I looked up the section on why there are so many tiny little blinking red lights in my viewfinder . . .
