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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Stained Glass


  1. This is from a stained glass lampshade in my house . . . right now I'm off to play with this image in IrfanView and see what kind of usable image I might come up with that would be suitable for a background for a collage image . . .

  2. I look forward to what may come...with your talent, I know it will be wonderful.

  3. FYI . . . > HERE < is the project I did using the background I created from this photo . . .

  4. FYI . . . > HERE < is the background image if you would like to use a copy of it for a project . . . please do share a link here if you do use it for something . . . I like to see what ideas others come up with . . .

  5. Vickie, I thought the photo was lovely, then I was breathless at the background, and stunned at the final project. How I would like to spend a week as a wee mouse, quiet-like, and watching you working your magic.

  6. Joan, glad to see you here . . . you do have such a delightful way with words . . . I need to work up a quick tutorial on how I create the type of background I did from this photo . . . very simple . . . and fun to play with . . . akin to arranging and rearranging quilt squares . . .

  7. Gini . . . sometimes the design potential does not turn out to be what I expected . . . wasn't sure where this background would go . . . I'm mostly pleased with it . . . see a few things I will try when I have / take the time to play with it again . . .
