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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dandelions and Honeybees


  1. The honeybee did not stick around very long . . . this was the best of the five images I caught . . . will have to watch for more opportunities . . . also had a ladybug visiting on the dead morning glory vines today, but the honeybee on the dandelion turned out to be a more appealing photo . . .

  2. Definitely see room for improvement on this one . . . still doing everything from the automatic setting . . .

  3. Your Canon "Rebel" is a wonderful camera and you are taking excellent shots with it. I am enjoying each and every one of your photos.

    I just purchased a new Canon in October, it's not a "Rebel" but it's still a great camera to learn on. I too haven't gotten past the "automatic" setting and there are many more to learn.
