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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dried Christmas Roses


  1. I sometimes buy a bunch of roses just for drying purposes . . . these were purchased at Sam's the week before Christmas . . . I have them hanging upside-down in the racecar trailor . . .

  2. You have a lovely start to your 365 Project, Vickie! The roses are beautiful and Riley is a little bundle of cute! I'm adding your photo blog to my feed reader so I can follow along. I'm excited to see what the next 360 days will bring!

  3. I'm curious to see myself what I will find to photograph and share every day for a year . . . and I'll be watching you, too! V.

  4. What beautiful roses.Glad that I found you are doing a photo blog. will post on my photo blog so I can watch what you share.
