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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rockdale in the Saturday Evening Post

Today being the 101st anniversary of the day George Sessions Perry was born in Rockdale, Milam County, Texas, I decided to photograph my copy of an article he wrote about his (and my) hometown . . . it was published in the Saturday Evening Post in the mid-1940s . . . I have the original here . . . somewhere . . . but I guess that's another one of those items I put somewhere for safekeeping . . .

1 comment:

  1. I can associate on putting things somewhere for "safekeeping." What a great piece of history to have of your birthplace . . . are any of the buildings shown in this Saturday Evening Post still standing or there today? I love to see photos of "then and now" I always look at cities and places in that way and how much things have changed . . . I mostly like the old better than the new! Great post and wonderful photo, Vickie.
