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Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Life of Riley


  1. Mayhaps I need to give Riley his own blog . . . I could call it The Life of Riley . . . remember that show? . . . he uses what I call his death shake on his stuffed toys . . . today he was trying to kill the duck . . . and even though I already had a different photo picked out, I just could not resist this one . . . so the other one got trashed . . . I'll recreate that shot on another day . . .

  2. Riley is so cute...such the personality and he would do well being the star of his own blog!

  3. My Tilly (yorkie) LOVES her bone. She does not care one bit about any other toys, no matter what shape. But, she LOVES that bone! Will carry it around, and don't come near, she growls and more!

    Cute photo.

  4. Your furbaby is a cutie!

  5. Riley says thanks to y'all for stopping by . . . he is one rotten pet . . . has favorite toys are usually one of his several stuffed sheep . . . he is usually very gentle with them, treating them almost like little puppies . . . but it's definitely been the duck all day today . . .
