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Friday, January 21, 2011

Ancestors in Civil War Calendar


  1. This was the subject I was planning to use yesterday . . . until Riley convinced me otherwise . . . yesterday was when my Civil War Desktop Calendar arrived in the mail from Family Tree Magazine . . . the December calendar page features my 2nd great-grandparents, William Paschal Henry (1836-1912) and Josephine Wingfield Henry nee Davis (1842-1899) . . . they were married in Brazoria County, Texas on 1st March 1864 . . .

  2. Click > HERE < to read about our William and Josephine . . .

  3. That is wonderful Vickie...a perfect way for your great-grandparents to be honored and recorded in history.

    Did Family Tree Magazine choose your great-grandparents or were you able to submit/recommend the photo and information for Family Tree Magazine to use? What wonderful history and ancestry you have in your family.

    I had thought of ordering this calendar back a while ago...I just may have to get it now! Looks like a great calendar to have.

  4. I actually have very few photos of kith or kin who were alive during the civil war . . . don't remember where I saw the announcement that Family Tree Magazine was accepting submissions via flickr . . . it's been a while . . . I only submitted 2 or 3 . . . I'm thinking it may have been about the time your Mom passed . . .

  5. I think it's wonderful Vickie and I am so glad you did it and they put it out there...what a family treasure it is and will be now.
