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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Riley in the Snow


  1. This time last year Riley would not even step on the snow . . . he stood on the porch to do his business . . . then when our snowmageddon hit in February of 2010, I took him out late one night . . . there was a foot of snow on the ground (remember, we are in Dallas, Texas) . . . I think he thought it was like a giant bed (he loves romping around in the piles of covers on the bed) . . . he went absolutely nuts, jumping and rolling around in the snow . . . at midnight . . . he came in covered with little, tiny snowballs all caught up in his curly hair . . . and got a nice warm bath . . . so anyway . . . when it snowed on Sunday, he did not hesitate to go running 'round and 'round the yard . . .

  2. WOW!! Awesome start with the new camera! Do you hire out for instruction? I could use some. I LOVE this picture of Riley and the adorable sweater! I wonder if they make those Lucy's size?

  3. That's Riley's favorite sweater . . . it is the only one he doesn't try to get out of . . . and it is actually a hand-me-down from his buddy, Marley (Pete's dog) . . . I'm doing everything on auto on the camera for now . . . need to do some serious reading in that instruction manual . . .

  4. Bennie always used to ask me why I took so many pictures of the same thing . . . well, that would actually be my first bit of advice . . . take LOTS of photos of the same thing during any one photographic moment . . . and you are bound to get at least one that you really like . . . look how many photos I took of the baby version of you in the crib with the yellow bedding . . . and that was before digital cameras . . .
