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Monday, January 17, 2011

Remembering my Dad


  1. It's been 15 years today since my Dad died . . . so this is for him . . .

  2. Most (if not all) of y'all will recognize the creative talent of Gini in the memorial tag for my Dad that is featured in this photo . . . I am delighted to have a few pieces of her artwork in my collection . . . thank you again, Gini . . .

  3. I drug out the old tripod for this natural light (no flash) photo . . . the calendar page is from my Thomas Kinkade calendar for 2011 . . .

  4. And yes, I do still have my miniature Christmas trees sitting around the room . . . and yes, I do turn the lights on every day . . .

  5. Oh Vickie, thank you, the tags were a pleasure to make...and they were made with lots of LUV! I too still have my Ancestor tree's staying up all year.

    Your photo taking techniques are perfect...I love the lighting. Mom framed several Thomas Kincade photos that she would keep from her larger calendars as the months would go by. She also had Thomas Kincade paintings through-out her home. He was her favorite.

    Rest in Peace Mr. Pounders ~ Gini

  6. Beautiful remembrance of you Dad! Now if only I could develop some of the skill that you and Gini have for creating these beautiful pieces!
