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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Vinca aka Periwinkle

Today I found several of these blooms in the shaded southwest corner of my goat-yard next door . . . the ground in that shaded corner is covered with this green vine . . . Jake and Mandy have not been in there to graze yet this year . . . I vaguely remember a green ground-cover that was there last year, but I never saw a bloom . . . and I definitely did not plant this . . . or anything else in that spot for that matter . . . anybody know what this is?

Edited the title from "Unidentified Bloom" to "Vinca aka Periwinkle" after proper identification was made by Carol (see below


  1. Believe it may be Vinca Minor

  2. That is it exactly! . . . good job, Carol . . . now I do wonder where it came from? . . . I've lived here 20+ years and never saw those blooms before today . . . I think I remember the goats not eating that ground cover last year . . . if so, I wonder why? . . . 'cause they eat everything else . . . including the poison ivy that keeps trying to come back . . . and antique rosebushes with lots of thorns . . . hmmm . . .

  3. Vickie, Grandma Pounders usually had these planted on the side of her house where the door is. She's thinking of you!

  4. I believe that is the ground cover I used on the hill in front of our Momma Nature pond, for erosion. Spreads well, holds the hill, and the bonus, those lovely blooms in the spring. By the way, a flat of those babies cost a fortune, so much so that I had to do the planting over a 3 year period. Lovely now that it is filled in.

  5. Pam, I do remember Grandma having periwinkles . . . but weren't they other colors? . . . like pinks and whites? . . . and I do not remember her having this ground cover type . . . am I remembering wrong? . . .

  6. Carol, I am hoping I am correct in remembering that the goats don't like this for a snack . . . 'cause that's in a fenced yard they are responsible for keeping mowed . . . if they happen to find this tasty this year, it will unfortunately be forfeited . . . 'cause I ain't mowing that yard! . . . if it ever rains enough here to wet the ground a bit, I will go dig some of that up and plant it in the part of the yard the goats are kept out of . . .
