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Sunday, March 27, 2011


This was an interesting photo challenge . . . with everything on the camera set on auto, the camera could not quite figure out what to try to focus on . . . the can itself . . . or the image reflected in the can . . . so I set the dial to AV and played with the aperture setting . . . it still has not sunk into my brain which way to turn the dial to change the depth of field to accomplish what I want . . . with everything in focus . . . or only a part of the photo in focus . . . or whatever . . . so I take a lot of photos, changing the dial between each shot . . . need to do some studying on that one . . .


  1. This is actually Sunday's photo . . . but Picasa and / or Blogger would not allow me to post it via my usual method . . . and I did not take the time yesterday to do it some other way . . . because I was busy trying to figure out how to make my stopped-up toilet flush like it is supposed to . . . so far today, my household repair appears to be working . . . but as of right now, I cannot say the same for Picasa / Blogger . . . so I did a little work-around to get this to appear . . . now I gotta go find something to photograph for today's photo . . .

  2. Nice photo! I learn a lot by the ole trial and error method too. I'm so grateful for digital cameras. I could never afford to play around that way with a film camera!

  3. I definitely need to buy some more memory cards for this camera . . . does not take me long to fill one up using that trial and error method of photography! . . .

  4. Your photo looks great, Vickie, but I go thru the same process. I can never figure out which way to go on that setting. I do try and use it as much as I can.

    Saturday, I tried changing the Aperture and the "TV" setting at the same time (according to the Canon Multimedia Workshop for EOS Rebel XSI & EOS Rebel XS book)so I could get the grandkids in motion (I was babysitting and they were running around like crazy, which in turn left me crazy). I did ok and certainly not anything I would blog about...but then when I went back to taking still/normal shots, it was all out of whack and I had to fiddle with it to get a decent photo! I still need to do alot of "studying" too!

  5. Gini, is your Picasa / Blogger working together yet? . . . mine is still messed up . . .

  6. Mine is still very messed up...very frustrating. Hope they fix it soon!

  7. I have same issues with learning the new (almost one year old) Sony! But, what fun I am having.

  8. THE reason I committed to do this photo-a-day challenge was to force myself to learn how to use this new camera . . . still got a lonnggg ways to go . . .
