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Monday, March 7, 2011

Siesta Time


  1. Such a cutie! The shape of his face (with the long nose and the floppy ears) reminds me of my dog, Kaj. Kaj doesn't have horns like your Jake, but he should, lol! And I love the green grass in the background. It's really green somewhere? Lucky you! No signs of green here yet... still plenty of snow cover and snow mountains around.

  2. And I love the white and brown speckles on his ears. A sweetie.

  3. We still have the possibility of snow again here . . . it snowed on the 20th of March last year . . . and a few years before that, we had bluebonnets peeking through a blanket of snow on Easter Sunday, the 7th of April . . . but then again, the 7th of April back in 1989 is the day I photographed a killer tornado from our front porch near Austin, Texas . . . just never know . . .

    Jake always thinks the grass is greener on the other side of the fence . . . hence he's gotten his head stuck in the fence more than once because of those cock-eyed horns . . . he's quite an ornery sweetie!
