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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Happy Birthday, Robert Frost

This photo . . . highlighting one of the poems by my distant cousin, Robert Frost (1874~1963) . . . shows pages 194 and 195 in one of my books, The Little Big Book of America . . . notice the shadow image of the chain holding up my swing . . . to represent my link to the writer of this poem . . . who was born on this date in the year 1874 . . .


  1. I noticed the shadow of your chain right away! A perfect tribute to your famous cousins birthday and your connection...wonderful photo, Vickie.

    I have always loved this particular's among my saved poems and quotes I hope to organize one day.

  2. We *had* to memorize this poem in high school, I believe my sophomore year of English. I'm so glad Mrs. Temple introduced it to us. It's one of my favorites! Once again, kudos to you on your wonderful photography skills and creativity!

  3. That poem kept trying to get my attention on Saturday . . . first in the early morning hours when it was recited on Fame reruns on T.V. . . . and then when I just picked up that book and was flipping through it . . . and it fell open to that poem . . . glad y'all enjoyed . . . 'cause it definitely wanted to be remembered on the 26th . . . V. . . .

  4. Great photo, Vickie! I love the shadow image you included. Very well done indeed!
