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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Autumn Kaleidoscope

We had searched every day for a scene such as this . . . with the kaleidoscope of autumn colors reflected in the waters . . . we came upon this oasis of tranquility on the outskirts of Boston . . . we were on our way back to Texas . . . and were stopping for a visit with Mom's cousin in Lynn, Massachusetts . . . photo taken four weeks ago today . . . on the 18th day of October . . .

Everything is now different as our kaleidoscope turns.
The colors, so brilliant, the light brightly burns.
We wonder at the beauty like never before.
The dazzling colors? We want to see more!

With each gentle turn we gaze in awe.
Have the leaves always been this color in Fall?
Have the flowers of Springtime always bloomed like this?
Have my family and friends always brought me such bliss?

Every day now counts. We seek something good.
We wish for a moment that everyone could
See through our eyes the joy and delight.
The extraordinary vision into our kaleidoscope of life.

The Kaleidoscope of Life
Sandy Brown

Monday, November 14, 2011

OOB Pier :: Guest Post by Mom

This was the morning of our last full day at Old Orchard Beach in Maine . . . taken by my Mom four weeks ago today . . . on the 17th day of October . . . all three of us walked the mile to the pier that morning . . . then walked downtown for breakfast . . . then strolled back down the streets of OOB to our beach house . . . where we spent most of the day preparing to leave Maine the next morning . . .

Sunday, November 13, 2011

74 Beach Street

74 Beach Street
Saco, Maine
photo taken 4 weeks ago today
on the 16th day of October

The death of Mrs. Lizzie J. Brackett, wife of Peter Brackett of Saco, occurred at her home, 74 Beach street, about 5 o'clock Tuesday night at the age of 70 years and four months, after an illness of comparatively a few hours. Mrs. Brackett, who had been one of the most active and interested women in patriotic circles, was stricken with apoplexy Monday, since which time until her death Tuesday evening her condition was most critical. She was born in Scarboro, and was the daughter of William T. and Olive J. (Goodwin) Merrill, and was the oldest of a family of 11 children. Mrs. Brackett had lived for many years in Biddeford and Saco, where she has been a prominent member of the Pythian Sisterhood, the Golden Cross. She was also a member of the Christian Advent church on Hill street. She was possessed of most generous characteristics and was a friend in time of need. Besides her husband Mrs. Brackett leaves three brothers, Daniel H., George and Fred of Pine Point, and three sisters, Mrs. Phoebe Tripp of Gorham, Mrs. Nellie Sullivan and Emma Snow of Pine Point. The funeral will be Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the late residence. Relatives and friends invited without further notice. Biddeford Daily Journal, Biddeford, York County, Maine, Wednesday Evening, July 26, 1911, Page Eight.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Nubble Light :: Guest Post by My Mom

Nubble Light
York County, Maine
Photo by my Mom
taken 4 weeks ago today

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fairy Rose in Autumn

A Rose Blooming Late in Autumn

Rose, fair rose! why dost thou bloom
So lonely here? The garden's drear,
And thou dost give thy sweet perfume
But to the unconscious air.
Veil, then, thy bloom, and guard thy sweets
Till the bright hours of spring,
For now thy blush no Philomela greets,
Nor at thy closing hour thy dirge will sing.

My Own World

I live in a dear little world of my own,
Where hope ever smiles and griefs never come;
And vines are enwreathing my own little bow'r,
That blossom and bud and are ever in flow'r.

When the wind whistles low and bright stars are shining,
'Mong roses and myrtles I soft lay reclining,
And phantoms of bliss around me then hover,
And, smiling, comes joy, and dimpled all over.

When the moon looks down through the leaves of the trees,
And the sweet breath of zephyr comes on the breeze,
Such whisp'rings of music steal through my bower,
As lightly it wooes the buds and the flow'r.

I dream that bright spirits from some far sphere
Have come in their love to visit me here;
My soul bursts its fetters and throws off its care,
To hold in the converse of spirits a share.

When morning, bright-gemm'd, through the gray dawn is stealing,
And the slumber of birds and of flow'rs is unsealing;
When the ripple of waters runs sparkling and clear,
And fresh opens the rose in the coppice-wood near;

My spirit goes forth all joyous and bright,
While the glory of day, in its splendor of light,
Bears it onward and on through the blue vault of heav'n,
Till it joins the mild hours that herald the even.

Then softly it seeks the horizon's pale verge,
Where Venus, soft pillow'd, reclines on the surge,
And, nestling 'raid rose-tints and dew-gems till dawn,
Rises buoyant and fresh with the bright coming morn.

Autumn musings, and other poems
Elizabeth Hazard
J.B. Lippincott & co., 1874

Monday, November 7, 2011

OOB & Peaks Island :: Guest Post by My Mom

Both of these photos were done by my Mom . . . four weeks ago today . . . on the 10th day of October . . . in Maine . . . she was up early most mornings . . . and this wound up being the spectacular morning for color at OOB . . . we were about a mile from the pier . . . and she walked down there to capture several really nice images, including the one above . . .

We had enjoyed our day (the 9th) at Peak's Island so much that we decided to go back again . . . this time we took sandwiches and enjoyed a casual day strolling around looking for the areas where our Elizabeth had been photographed back in the 1920s . . . we also spent time both days looking for seaglass . . . and that is what I was doing when Mom captured the above image . . . this was while we were waiting for the ferry to pick us up for the return trip to Portland . . .

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bricolage :: Sunrise, Sunset at OOB

They were speaking French as they strolled past our beach house . . . the little girl reached for her Father's hand as she skipped along, her feet barely touching the ground . . . the sun was still playing hide and seek, as it tickled and teased the clouds and the water with brush-strokes from God's palette . . .

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers
Blossoming even as we gaze

OK, y'all . . . this one is a double-exposure collage of two photos I took at Old Orchard Beach four weeks ago today . . . on Sunday, the 9th day of October . . . that was Columbus Day weekend . . . New England had record-breaking heat that Sunday and Monday . . . and the crowds were out at OOB . . .

This little family caught my attention early that morning before we left for a day of touring Peaks Island . . . I did not get the camera up in time to catch the little one as she looked like she was trying to fly . . . she was flapping her arms and jumping around at the water's edge . . . in this photo you can see that her father's feet are just barely in touch with solid ground . . . he was jumping around just like her! . . .

P.S. . . . the two photos included the beach shot of the little family . . . plus a photo-thru-the-telescope of the almost full moon that night . . .

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Graveyard Photo Session

This photo was taken four weeks ago today at the Laurel Hill Cemetery on the banks of the Saco River in York County, Maine . . . this beautiful Victorian garden cemetery is the final resting place of my maternal grandma and several of her family members . . . and it apparently a choice spot for photography sessions . . . including wedding parties! . . . I would assume the bride was planning on plenty of brilliant autumn color for her wedding photos . . . but alas, that was not to be . . . the color did not arrive in New England as scheduled during this Autumn of 2011 . . . nevertheless, we especially appreciated seeing green while away from this drought-blemished State of Texas . . .

Friday, November 4, 2011

OOB :: Guest Post by My Mom

This photo was taken by my Mom . . . four weeks ago today . . . early in the morning at Old Orchard Beach in Maine . . . notice the steam rising from the ocean water? . . .

We visited two cemeteries that day . . . Eastern Cemetery in Gorham, Maine (where our Phebe is buried) . . . and Dunstan Cemetery in Cumberland County, Maine (where Phebe's parents and assorted kith 'n kin are buried) . . . and my photos from that day are mostly boring cemetery shots . . . so Mom is providing the photo for today . . . Thanks, Mom!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

OOB Memories

I took this photo four weeks ago today . . . on the 6th day of October . . . which was the first day we arrived at our temporary home away from home (for two weeks) at Old Orchard Beach in Maine . . . that's my Mom standing at the water's edge . . . and I am standing on the balcony of our beach house . . .

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blue Damselflies

I think mayhaps I captured images of both the Common Blue Damselfly . . . as well as the Azure Damselfly . . . they were swarming around some white-flowering weeds in my yard (similar to baby's breath) . . . such a nice unexpected surprise!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Bricolage :: Cat Portrait

Clicking on the oil portrait of Cisco the six-toed cat will open an online Picasa album containing the photo I created this portrait from . . . as well as a mother and daughter portrait . . . and the original photo for that image . . . I finally captured a family photo of Momma Kitty and her babies, but it is not very good . . . unfortunately, they did not give me a choice of location when they lined up for me today . . .

Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy Birthday, Riley

This is Riley watching the news on TV . . . there was a story today about a puppy falling into a three foot deep crack in the backyard where it lived . . . lots of cracked yards around here, caused by the severe drought conditions here in Texas . . . anyway . . . the puppy did a lot of yelping as it was being rescued . . . and Riley ran for the TV every time he heard it . . .

Clicking on the photo will take you to an online Picasa album containing today's photos of Riley which were taken for his 4th birthday . . . he is spoiled rotten as it is . . . but he got special treatment today, including extra chicken jerky treats (he always says please and thank you) . . . and a serving of his favorite Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream . . .

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pensive Mitten Kitten

Clicking on the photo will take you to an online Picasa photo album containing assorted mitten kitten photos taken today.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lost Beauty

Twilight is the loveliest time of the day,
Viewed from my open window.
One dusk the sun was a ball of fire,
Softened by thin layers of pearl.
Once opal strands stretched across the sky,
A necklace ready for the moon to wear.
Some times the world's gold is hoarded in the west,
Reflected on roofs and panes far below.
When I am not at my window at twilight
I am lonely, longing for lost beauty.

Nancy Richey Ranson

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Today I went shopping for a gift for a three-year-old . . . and while looking at all the neat toys, I picked up this one for myself . . . Bennie wore out three or four of these games . . . and the buttons are starting to get persnickety on the last one he had . . . so time to break in a new one . . .

Friday, September 9, 2011

Paris to Rockdale

One hundred and one years ago . . . in September of 1910 . . . this century-old letter was mailed from Paris, France to Rockdale, Texas . . . I posted about my acquisition of these letters back in March of this year . . . and now I'm delighted to say that, as of early this a.m., digital copies of all of the letters have found their way into the hands of the descendants of the recipients of some of these missives . . .

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Do the Hokey-Pokey

You put your right foot in,
You put your right foot out;
You put your right foot in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey-Pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!

FYI . . . clicking on the photo will take you to a Picasa album containing several mitten kitten photos taken today . . .

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011

Good Night, Moon

Thankful I am . . . for this smoke-free view of the waxing gibbous moon . . . and for the lives spared so far in those areas that did not have this clear view of the evening sky on this fiery night in Texas . . .

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pretty Lucky

I just cannot resist these cute kitties . . .
this one is Lucky, the 7-toed mitten-kitten . . .

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Triple Digit Heat :: Final Day?!?

As of today, the weathermen are saying this is our final day of triple-digit temperatures . . . so I wanted a record of the final HOT day for the summer of 2011 . . .

Friday, September 2, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bricolage :: Catch a Falling Star

Catch a falling star . . .
and put it in your pocket . . .
never let it fade away . . .
Catch a falling star . . .
and put it in your pocket . . .
save it for a rainy day . . .

For when your troubles start multiplyin’ . . .
and they just might . . .
it’s easy to forget them without tryin’ . . .
with just a pocketful of starlight . . .

The falling star texture was created from the above photo . . .
using features in Picasa as well as Irfanview . . .

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bricolage :: Garden Trellis

This background texture was created from the following photo . . .
using features in Picasa as well as IrfanView . . .

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bricolage :: Harley Davidson

This texture was created from the following photo . . . which is of the dirty back window of a pickup truck that lives in the neighborhood . . . I used features in Picasa as well as IrfanView to come up with this texture . . . and part of the process involved creating a double exposure collage using a texture from playing with PSP . . . let me know if you need a higher resolution version . . . and I'll send it to you . . .

Monday, August 29, 2011

Dividing the Chores

Daddy catnapping . . .

while Momma feeds the babies!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Then and Now Tripod Adapter

This is my latest contraption for holding photos for the Then and Now type projects . . . these clips are mayhaps a Christmas item? . . . for clipping on tree branches? . . . and displaying Christmas cards? . . . in this photo I have it clipped onto the threads of the screw that attaches the quick release plate (from the tripod) to the bottom of my camera . . .

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

Sleepy Kitty

Click on the photo to view more of the mitten kitten photos taken today.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Calico Mitten Kitten

Clicking on this photo
will take you to a Picasa album
showing a few mitten kitten photos from today.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Texas Stop Sign

Here in Texas, this is known as a Texas Stop Sign . . . 'cause you can't drive by without stopping for a DQ treat . . . and for the first time since I moved here in 1989, we have a Dairy Queen in Red Oak, Texas . . . I took this photo today when I stopped by for a DQ specialty . . . I chose the Cappucino Heath Blizzard . . . sure was good! . . . the Dairy Queen in Rockdale, Texas was the hangout when I was a teenager . . . and the local Dairy Queens along the route were a frequent stop when we rode with the Texas Sesquicentennial Wagon Train in 1986 . . . welcome to the neighborhood, DQ!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bricolage :: Clouds

The above image was created from the following solarized photo . . .
using features in both Picasa and IrfanView . . .

Friday, August 19, 2011

National Aviation Day

I dug Bennie's flying memorabilia out, looking for something to photograph for National Aviation Day (which is today) . . . not having a clue that there was a date-appropriate entry in his pilot logbook . . . and that on this date . . . the 19th day of August . . . in the year 1984 . . . Bennie flew his 1948 Beechcraft Bonanza from the airport in Cameron, Texas to the Red Bird Airport near Dallas, Texas . . . he only flew the Bonanza six more times before selling it the following year . . . I can visualize Bennie in the following verse . . . although the vehicle varies . . . sometimes it's an airplane . . . sometimes it's a racecar . . . or sometimes he's riding a horse around the meadows of Heaven . . .

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air. . . .

Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or ever eagle flew —
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

John Gillespie Magee, Jr