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Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy Birthday, Riley

This is Riley watching the news on TV . . . there was a story today about a puppy falling into a three foot deep crack in the backyard where it lived . . . lots of cracked yards around here, caused by the severe drought conditions here in Texas . . . anyway . . . the puppy did a lot of yelping as it was being rescued . . . and Riley ran for the TV every time he heard it . . .

Clicking on the photo will take you to an online Picasa album containing today's photos of Riley which were taken for his 4th birthday . . . he is spoiled rotten as it is . . . but he got special treatment today, including extra chicken jerky treats (he always says please and thank you) . . . and a serving of his favorite Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream . . .


  1. Well . . . it only took one day to teach Riley a new bad habit . . . I indulged him yesterday, and gave him a piece of his chicken jerky early in the day (usually only a late afternoon snack . . . and usually a limit of two per day) . . . he quickly figured out that if he asked for another, I would let him have it . . . and as the day went by he asked more and more frequently than he ever has before . . . and now he has already started again first thing this morning!!! . . . sorry, Riley . . . back to the read world today . . .
