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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wormwood & Teardrops


  1. We did not get the predicted snow today, but the cold and the ice did arrive . . . it was so cold outside that all I did was stand over the wormwood and snap away (263 shots) for about 5 minutes . . . sometimes I couldn't decide if I was seeing ice or melted ice on the delicate aromatic leaves . . . still no macro, so I cheated again and cropped . . . current temperature: 23 . . . predicted low tonight: 16 . . .

  2. Vickie...this photo is amazing!! I love it and you did an incredible job shooting it...definitely one of my favorites now!

  3. Well, cropping helps! . . . allows you / me to focus on the chosen subject / focal point . . . I do like it though . . . :)

  4. I agree...thank goodness for cropping!
