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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Horse-Drawn Sickle Mower


  1. This is my horse-drawn sickle mower . . . but thanks to my red-headed goats, I don't need to use it! . . . besides, I don't have any horses or mules these days . . .

  2. And it would look funny to hitch it up to the red-headed goats -lol. Even with no goats or horses, it's a great picture

  3. Thanks, Joan . . . and I do believe Jake & Mandy would protest loudly if I tried to harness them to that contraption . . .

  4. I love black and white photos...great photos, Vickie. What a neat piece of "machinery" to own ...I really like that it's horse-drawn.

  5. Thanks, Gini . . . I do like these snow photos in black and white . . . the snow was looking way too blue in the color photos . . . back in the 1970s, when I bought my Canon AE-1, there was ONE lab in Austin TX for developing black and white photos . . . I always wished for two 35mm cameras . . . one to keep loaded with color film . . . and one with black and white . . . sooo much easier now with digital cameras . . .
