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Saturday, February 12, 2011


One year ago today . . .


  1. Weird looking, isn't it!?!

  2. Sort of looks like a brain, Vickie! Very interesting, and yes, weird looking too. I have never seen one of these...thanks for posting.

  3. "Brains" is the first thing I thought! . . . I had actually forgotten that there were horse-apples in the neighborhood . . . we used to keep our horses across the road . . . our mule, Blackjack, was killed by lightening out in that pasture . . . which is where I took the snow picture one year ago today (see the link above) . . . I went out there intending to take shots of the same dilapidated shed . . . but there was one lonely horse-apple beckoning to me . . . the others were all burst open . . . so I figured this might be the last opportunity to capture this shot . . .

  4. I don't know that I'd ever heard it referred to as a horse apple! I thought horse apples tended to 'drop' after the horse went by. We call them hedge apples, or Osage Oranges here in Kansas, and my folk's farm was bordered on south, east and west by them, and north before a highway was put in by our home. They are odd looking, and sticky if you cut them.

    Crafters were making 'flowers' out of them after cutting and drying them awhile, and I've heard, but can't attest to, that they will repel some bugs.
