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Sunday, February 13, 2011

He trod upon the trees

High from the earth I heard a bird
He trod upon the trees
As he esteemed them trifles
And then he spied a breeze.

Emily Dickinson
10 December 1830 – 15 May 1886


  1. Once again I went out into the pasture across the road with the intentions of taking pictures of the crumbling building featured in the snow picture . . . I did take those pictures . . . again . . . and once again something else more interesting came along . . . there was the moon in the late afternoon sky . . . with the small private airplane that flew right into the shot (did not know it was there) . . . and the trees were a-flutter with robins and cardinals and cedar waxwings . . . I loaded a few more photos in this picasa album . . . but Mr. Robin (above) was definitely the star of the show . . .

  2. Oh yeah . . . I cropped again . . . I did have the 55-250mm lens on the camera . . . but I guess I need something a bit stronger if I'm going to photograph birds . . .

  3. Fabulous photo, cropping is allowed!!!
