This rusty tin angel stands guard in my living room / computer room . . .
I took this close-up of one of her wings . . . and opened it in IrfanView . . . and flipped it and saved it . . . horizontally and vertically . . . to create four copies that were actually mirror images of each other . . . then back in Picasa, I created a 5x7 grid collage using those four copies . . . and then created a double-exposure collage using one of the textures from playingwithbrushes and the collage I just created . . . then played with the saturation and sharpness . . . and came up with the following scherenschnitte image, suitable for use in a vintage family history collage . . .
I will be loading a 1600x1143 version on my facebook page . . . or send me a note if you would like a larger copy . . .
How very creative of you!