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Friday, February 1, 2013

A Vintage View

This photo was taken with my new toy . . . well, sorta . . . it was actually taken with my trusty Canon . . . but it was taken thru the viewfinder of my $11 Kodak Duaflex II Camera . . . the "new" Kodak is shown below . . .

I have seen it said that this is the same style of vintage camera that was used by Sandra Bullock in the movie Hope Floats . . .

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pink Depression Glass

These glasses are pink . . . and 'tis said they came with Tetley Tea in them in the 1930s or 1940s . . . one source thought they came with Lipton Tea . . . please do comment here is you have any info on this style of pink depression glass . . . thanks a bunch . . .